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Trucker's Links

1) Trucking Organizations

2) Information Sources

3) Commercial Links

Trucking Organizations

The granddaddy of trucker's organizations, and a real champion in difficult times.


California truckers, especially the independents, are subject to very harsh and expensive regulations. They're not taking this lying down!
(All truckers hope to drive a modern rig that's clean running and fuel efficient, so the big problem is with an arrogant, ham-handed, promise-breaking state bureaucracy.)
Doing overnight runs? Working long hours anywhere? Tune into Red Eye Radio, over the air or via the Internet.

Red Eye Radio

The University of California, Berkeley is sponsoring a project to help truckers.
(Okay you brainiacs: how about an app to help big-rigs find the nearest available safe and legal truck parking spot?
How about a loud and clear app which informs a waiting trucker that a warehouse dock, or a slot to depart from a marshaling yard, has opened up?)

Innovative Mobility

Yes there are women truckers, and diesel mechanics. Not many, and I'm glad to see they have an excellent forum.

Lady Truckers

Tragically, with the long stressful days, substance abuse is very common among truckers. The Bluffs has some excellent resources concerning this problem.

Information Sources

Ben Beck of TaxAct has created an online tool that calculates miles for tax reimbursement purposes. Very handy for owner-operators.

Reimbursement Calculator

Here's some useful and detailed information, provided by Truck Locator, on increasing fuel mileage.

Fuel Efficiency Guide

I've been helping improve the Wikipedia article on 'truck stops.'

Wikipedia: Truck Stop

Brett Aqila's trucker site is very helpful, easy to read, and it doesn't pull any punches.

Trucking Truth

The Coops Team has articles, blogs, and some hard-to-find (very useful) information.

Coops Are Open

The Truckers Report is always up to date.

Truckers Report

So is the Truckers News.

Truckers News

CDL Freedom has some great resources.

CDL Freedom

Alex Nitzman and Andy Field have gathered a bunch of practical information and photos, for the benefit of all who traverse the United States.
(They started on the west coast, and have expanded their coverage nationwide.)

AA Roads

iMax has a whole bunch of useful trucker's links.

Truckers on the Web

Commercial Links

In a better world I would not have to say this, but here goes . . .
We are adding these links as a resource for truckers. This is a simple page, not the Better Business Bureau or a consumer advocate's group, so we're doing this for free, and in good faith. Presumably everyone linked here is doing a helpful honest job for truckers.
(If anyone discovers otherwise, please let us know and quick.)

Kursti K represents a high-tech company that helps truckers get in compliance with those new e-log requirements.

GPS TrackIt

Mickey N's site is comprehensive, with job listings and many other resources.

Careers in Gear

Here are three well-organized sites to help locate trucking jobs.
(The first link has a consolidated multiple-company application process.)

Big Truck Driving Jobs

Truck Driver Jobs

These two services help owner-operators handle the complex task of freight load factoring.

Factor Finders

Bayview Funding

Truckstop Dot Com can match you up with your next load.
(They also have many other resources, plus a bimonthly magazine.)


(Good going, all! Truckers remain heavily underrepresented on the Internet, not to mention in literature. Many drivers and dispatchers use computers for map directions, finding loads, and general Internet 'surfing' -- but not for creating web sites of their own.)

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