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San Lorenzo
Reasonable restrictions.
Many Bay Area towns are making an effort to accommodate truckers. San Lorenzo
is doing a good job.
San Lorenzo has an area where residential streets are right next to a heavy industrial
area. They want to keep noisy trucks from roiling past Grandma's house day and night.

Hesperian at Grant.

Along 880 north, near Washington. (By 2012, this sign was gone.)
Trucks are not allowed on purely residential streets, such as the eastern end of
Grant (between Washington and Hesperian, though it's the quick way back to 880). Happily, a clear alternate route is provided, along Washington Avenue. Instead
of blanket restrictions, large signs let truckers know where they are allowed to
Alameda County is well known to enforce these truck routes, on a daily basis. Also, they strictly enforce the 25 MPH speed limit on Grant.

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