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James Axler

Mr. Axler (Mark Ellis) writes apocalyptic thrillers

10/1/01 6:57:35 PM Opening "Chat Log 10/1/01"

HOST WRTR Dee: JAxler2...you're going to have a tough act to follow...just had an announcement of Jasmn's pregnancy!
JsmnStrm: Chrysalis AnnMarie -- girl Brandon James -- boy.. Alien 1 of 6.
WingedKzintiLord: :::passes jsmn a nice vanilla cigar::: <G>
JsmnStrm: I'm due June 6th.
JsmnStrm: Thanks, KZ
Mod Gonne: Chrysalis? nifters.
Yoyogimah: some other name and not what you think
JAxler2: Yeah, I'm always being upstaged by women.
JsmnStrm: chrysalis was my husband's demand.. actually.
SHoffer77: lol
Roy Gugat: 6/6? probably not showing much yet?
OnlineHost: “LittCrazy” has entered the room.
SteeIBtrfl: JAx - we have better shoes <grins>
JsmnStrm: Nope.........
JsmnStrm: :)
Coco0609: hey mr jaxler : )
Roy Gugat: :)
JsmnStrm: Okay, I'm done now.. Mr Axler.. it's all your show now.
JAxler2: Hi, Coco.
JsmnStrm: wb littcrazy.
SteeIBtrfl: Paul - are we protocol tonight or free for all???
HOST WRTR Paul: Protocol
JsmnStrm: Okay,I'll be green tonight now..
SteeIBtrfl: oh durn
HOST WRTR Paul: Unless Mr A wishes it otherwise
SteeIBtrfl: I gotta be good???
SteeIBtrfl: tsk
JsmnStrm: Steel, you'll make it, I'm sure you will.
Roy Gugat: SteeIBtrfl, can you?
SteeIBtrfl: :::giggles:::
JsmnStrm: :)
TheWordSlayer: Steel is better when she is bad : )~
Yoyogimah: you gots to be good unless
SteeIBtrfl: sufficiently motivated for magnificent moments :::twinkles:::
OnlineHost: “JES No Time” has entered the room.
SteeIBtrfl: JES***
JsmnStrm: hey JES.......
HOST WRTR Paul: Okay folks, you know how this works. :-)
JES No Time: Hi Steel****
OnlineHost: “Pandora574” has entered the room.
WingedKzintiLord: hi pan :)
JES No Time: Jas ***
HOST WRTR Paul: First, would our guest like to make an opening statement?
Pandora574: Hello :)
SteeIBtrfl: ?
JES No Time: Protocol?
HOST WRTR Dee: yes, protocol tonight
JAxler2: Uh...has anybody ever read any Outlanders novels?
HOST WRTR Paul: I just finished "Tigers of Heaven"
HOST WRTR Dee: ? for questions, ! for comments, wait til Paul calls on you
HOST WRTR Dee: I just got Tigers of Heaven
HOST WRTR Dee: haven't read it yet
HOST WRTR Paul: Okay, I guess we can roll with the questions.
Coco0609: i have read a deathlands one
HOST WRTR Paul: Deathlands isd set 100 years earlier. Steel, go ahead
SteeIBtrfl: How can a person contact a writer if that writers last publisher is defunct and
SteeIBtrfl: the writer used a pseudonym anyway? - ga
OnlineHost: “JAxler2” has left the room.
OnlineHost: “JC WON 6” has entered the room.
SteeIBtrfl: lol
SteeIBtrfl: hey now
JsmnStrm: oh no... our guest got booted.
SteeIBtrfl: I swear it weren't me
HOST WRTR Paul: whoops--looks like he got booted
OnlineHost: “JC WON 6” has left the room.
JsmnStrm: lolol Steel, you know you did it, fess up! ;)
SteeIBtrfl: did not
HOST WRTR Paul: These novels are all in a series
JsmnStrm: j/k.........
The13thDoctor: oopsie
SteeIBtrfl: I know <grins>
HOST WRTR Paul: Deathlands in the 21st century, Outlanders 100 years later
HOST WRTR Dee: Steel, you scafred him off?
HOST WRTR Paul: Involves surviving in a post-nuke world
SteeIBtrfl: I knowDonna
SteeIBtrfl: slagged him
SteeIBtrfl: must be my heels
OnlineHost: “JAxler2” has entered the room.
SteeIBtrfl: <eg>
JsmnStrm: lol
HOST WRTR Dee: ah...wb
SteeIBtrfl: wb JAx
HOST WRTR Paul: The same band of characters, heroes and heroines, battles their way across a desolate landscape
JsmnStrm: wb mr Axler.
SteeIBtrfl: do I need to type that again JAx???
JAxler2: Thanks...got bumped.
HOST WRTR Paul: Aliens gets involves too
JAxler2: No, you don't Steel. The answer is easy. I haven't the faintest idea.
SteeIBtrfl: durn
SteeIBtrfl: no help at all
SteeIBtrfl: lol
HOST WRTR Paul: web research! Dig up their bios
SteeIBtrfl: been there Paul
HOST WRTR Paul: book review details, fan pages, etc. Donna, go ahead
HOST WRTR Dee: was it hard making a transition from newspaper writing to fiction?
OnlineHost: “Pandora574” has left the room.
OnlineHost: “GeorgeJim” has entered the room.
JAxler2: Dee--Nah. It was harder making the transistion from comics scripting to journalism.
JAxler2: Actually, it was a return to journalism.
SteeIBtrfl: ?
JsmnStrm: hey George.
HOST WRTR Dee: what is comics scripting?
JAxler2: Yas, Steel?
GeorgeJim: hey
SteeIBtrfl: Do you get tired of writing in one universe? ga
JAxler2: Scripting comic book stories, Dee.
HOST WRTR Dee: thanks
JAxler2: Steel-You have no idea.
Yoyogimah: ?
SteeIBtrfl: how do you relieve that?
JAxler2: Think about writing other things. But that doesn't really relieve it.
JAxler2: My schedule is usually so tight, it doesn't leave me much room to write other things.
JAxler2: Which of course, the publisher has planned.
HOST WRTR Paul: Wicked publishers! ;-)Yoyo, go ahead
WingedKzintiLord: ?
Yoyogimah: how hard to make transition from journalism back to comic scripting, which must be a love of art?
JAxler2: Yo--I made the transition from copy-writing to comics scripting. I returned to Journalism after the comics stint.
JAxler2: Dee?
HOST WRTR Paul: WKZ, go ahead
HOST WRTR Paul: (It's okay--I have a written list here.)
JAxler2: Sorry, Paul. You choose.
WingedKzintiLord: how can writing stories be scheduled? isn't the progress variable?
HOST WRTR Paul: Just trying to keep the requests in order. :-)
JAxler2: Sometimes it is. Like the past three weeks has thrown my schedule into the toilet.
JAxler2: You can only do the best you can.
JAxler2: Real life intrudes on the best intentions.
HOST WRTR Paul: Got that right! Donna, go ahead
HOST WRTR Dee: How do you plan for your books...outline? What tricks do you use to keep going? ga
Yoyogimah: ?
JAxler2: No tricks. Just a sort of "What haven't I done recently?" approach.
HOST WRTR Dee: no outline?
OnlineHost: “ProgChan” has entered the room.
JAxler2: Only the broadest of outlines. I'm an organic writer. The story grows as I go along.
JAxler2: Paul?
OnlineHost: “Mod Gonne” has left the room.
HOST WRTR Dee: I like that
HOST WRTR Paul: Yoyo, go ahead
JsmnStrm: Like that, organic writer.....
OnlineHost: “ProgChan” has left the room.
Yoyogimah: is that anything like sometimes life sucks? fodder for the fiction writer and the biographer
OnlineHost: “ProgChan” has entered the room.
JAxler2: Yo--I would acccept that as a truism.
OnlineHost: “LittCrazy” has left the room.
Yoyogimah: ;)
WingedKzintiLord: ?
Yoyogimah: truism is worth discussing
HOST WRTR Paul: Paul, go ahead. ;-)
HOST WRTR Paul: I noticed some real old fashioned "cliff hangers" in Tigers of Heaven.
HOST WRTR Paul: Most stories have
HOST WRTR Paul: some sort of resolusion
HOST WRTR Paul: How about in your series?
JAxler2: Well, that book is the second in a trilogy, so it ends on something of a cliff-hanger. The preceding book did too
JAxler2: I introduce sub-plots which might go for three books or so.
HOST WRTR Paul: But the third will have some wraps-ups? Yet the series goes on?
JAxler2: I resolve the sub-plot, then introduce another one.
ProgChan: ?
JAxler2: It's something of a soap opera approach, but it seems to work.
OnlineHost: “Mod Gonne” has entered the room.
HOST WRTR Paul: Okay. Prog, go ahead
JAxler2: The third does have some wrap-ups, but not as many as I'd like.
ProgChan: How much of major l=plot resoltution do have in book 1, or #2, etc...
WingedKzintiLord: ?
ProgChan: I ask merely because of my own series.../ga
JAxler2: Prog--The first book in the trilogy actually has a resolution to an incident that happened several books earlier.
SteeIBtrfl: ?
ProgChan: ! really? how interesting....
JAxler2: In fact, the entire trilogy springs from incidents that occurred in earlier novels.
JAxler2: What series is that, Prog?
Yoyogimah: ?
HOST WRTR Paul: WKZ, go ahead
WingedKzintiLord: then you basically know where your story starts and
WingedKzintiLord: where you want it to arrive, and the rest is built to
WingedKzintiLord: make the journey?
ProgChan: Oh, you wouldn't know it... published by a little house in canada. go ahea.
HOST WRTR Paul: (let's get to Mr A's question first)
HOST WRTR Paul: ah! go on
JAxler2: Yeah, I have an idea of a beginning and an end...then I just sort of fill in the rest.
HOST WRTR Paul: Steel, go ahead
SteeIBtrfl: What would you write today - if you weren't contracted? ga
JAxler2: I'd probably still be writing some sort of sci-fi/adventure thing.
JAxler2: But a little looser and in a different kind of situation.
SteeIBtrfl: :::nods::: thank you
HOST WRTR Paul: Yoyo, go ahead
Yoyogimah: if the resolution has no ultimate solution, then the solution at hand must render more than one option to address these problems
JAxler2: That's inherent in all ongoing series with a continuing cast of characters, wouldn't you say?
Yoyogimah: literally speaking
JAxler2: It's both its blessing and its burden.
ProgChan: ! good one Yoo-- that's really what i wanted ask...
HOST WRTR Paul: (like a TV series, not just soaps either)
HOST WRTR Paul: Any further questions?
JAxler2: However, unlike most other series that Gold Eagle publishes, Outlanders has a serial story arc format.
JAxler2: Very few of the novels are stand alones.
HOST WRTR Paul: So you have a definite end in mind
ProgChan: ?
Yoyogimah: we understand
JAxler2: No, not really.
HOST WRTR Paul: hmm . . . . Prog, go ahead
SteeIBtrfl: ?
ProgChan: Yes, I joined late. and do not know your work, can you give me a lead to you?
JAxler2: Try Jamesaxler.com. From there check out Outlanders Archives and the Outlanders/Deathlands Chronology.
WingedKzintiLord: !
ProgChan: cool. thank you!
JAxler2: Or check out Amazon.com.
HOST WRTR Paul: steel, go ahead
SteeIBtrfl: What are your favorite SF writers and stories? And, how do they influence you today?
SteeIBtrfl: ga
WingedKzintiLord: i can forward the bio that we were sent.\
HOST WRTR Paul: (his books are available at all K Marts)
WingedKzintiLord: oops.
ProgChan: pls do wizard.
JAxler2: Don't forget CVS too, Paul. And some of the better Wal-Marts.
ProgChan: or winged. (sorry.)
HOST WRTR Paul: :-)
Yoyogimah: coulsd we just bypass K-mart
JAxler2: I have a lot of favorite s.f. writers...Harlan Ellison, Heinlein, Edmond Hamilton...too many to list, really.
Yoyogimah: i mean we're here
JAxler2: And they're all influences to some degree or another.
JsmnStrm: ?
SteeIBtrfl: Do you find yourself writing in an older style? . More similar to them?
JAxler2: Steel--I don't know about that...a couple of copy-editors have complained that I write too outre' for the readership.
SteeIBtrfl: <grins>
ProgChan: ? outre' ?
JAxler2: But then, those copy-editors think the audience for Outlanders is the same as Deathlands.
JAxler2: Essentially over the road truck drivers with 8th grade educations.
SteeIBtrfl: ouch
HOST WRTR Paul: (like me?) WKZ, go ahead
JsmnStrm: lololol
TheWordSlayer: Ouch Paul
ProgChan: heheh.
TheWordSlayer: : )
ProgChan: ! sounds like me, I worryat my avg 10th grade level.
JAxler2: Well, Outlanders if far more sci-fi than anything else Gold Eagle publishes.
WingedKzintiLord: sorry paul, i made my comment early by mistake.
ProgChan: (fiesch-Kincaid)
JAxler2: It's their first major inroad into that field.
JAxler2: At first, Outlanders was just classfied as "Action Adventure".
WingedKzintiLord: ?
JAxler2: Finally, after me pestering them (and marketing getting into it), they stamped Science Fiction on the spine
SteeIBtrfl: (thinks Jas is next)
HOST WRTR Paul: Cool! Okay, Jasmine, go ahead
JsmnStrm: Ummmmmmmm......... I forgot my question (bows head sheepishly.) Let whoever is next go.. I'll think of it again and ask later.
JsmnStrm: Sorry.
JAxler2: Quite understandable.
Sryope2: preggers altzheimers
SteeIBtrfl: :::giggles:::
HOST WRTR Paul: youch
JsmnStrm: SHHH Sry and STEEL@!
JsmnStrm: :)
HOST WRTR Paul: Okay, KZ then Jasmine
ProgChan: Sry: love ya....
WingedKzintiLord: are they looking for new writers?
JsmnStrm: (KZ stole my question....... sigh...............)
WingedKzintiLord: :P
SteeIBtrfl: lol
ProgChan: ?
JAxler2: Not for Outlanders, since it's my series. I created it. However, they may be looking for contributers to
JAxler2: Deathlands.
JAxler2: And the Mack Bolan books, too.
JsmnStrm: ?
WingedKzintiLord: i was thinking of what i'm working on.
JAxler2: You'd have to start out in the Bolan program, probably.
SteeIBtrfl: ?
JAxler2: They're pretty much work for hire.
WingedKzintiLord: k
SteeIBtrfl: ewww ouch
HOST WRTR Paul: Prog, go ahead
ProgChan: How much "pestering" did you do? Knowing that they had not the venue for your work...
ProgChan: /ga
JAxler2: They came to me.
ProgChan: really? quite a feather in your cap!
JAxler2: They were wanting to launch another series with the Axler house name on it.
ProgChan: congats!
JAxler2: But I was orignally approached to write a series based on a TV show they were considering licesning.
JAxler2: But when that deal fell through, they wanted me to create the new series.
ProgChan: that's wonderful....
JAxler2: But they wanted it in a post-nuke war setting, like the other Axler series.
HOST WRTR Paul: (somewhere, someday, there's a real Axler out there.) Jasmine . . . ready! . . . go ahead
JsmnStrm: Okay, I remembered Are they looking for new sci fi series stories??? have a great cyborg story.. :) (shameless plug, I know) :)
JsmnStrm: ga.
JAxler2: I hope so. Then HE can write this stuff.
ProgChan: ! lol jasmn!
HOST WRTR Paul: (It's a she!)
JsmnStrm: :)
JAxler2: Jas--Sorry, no. Like I said, they're pretty much work-for-hire.
JsmnStrm: well, i just wondered.. :::sigh:::::
HOST WRTR Paul: Steel, go ahead
SteeIBtrfl: is Deathlands also a work for hire deal??? And how do they get the different writers
SteeIBtrfl: voices to sound similar in different books??? ga
JAxler2: Yeah, all of Gold Eagle's stuff is work fir hire.
Yoyogimah: i just don't understand why it matters
JAxler2: For hire, I mean.
SteeIBtrfl: money Yoyo
SteeIBtrfl: and ownership
JAxler2: Steel--Actually, one of the main complaints at least with DL is there is no consistent voice any longer.
OnlineHost: “Dcudlbug” has entered the room.
JAxler2: At one point, when I and a couple of other people were writing it, we tried to stay in touch with each other.
SteeIBtrfl: :::nods::: I can't imagine them sounding the same
JAxler2: Let each other know what we were doing to keep things consistent.
Yoyogimah: guess this is why i will always be a sand crab
OnlineHost: “GeorgeJim” has left the room.
JAxler2: But that's a thing of the past now.
SteeIBtrfl: can I follow up Paul?
Sryope2: Goodnight everyone, thanks Jaxler
JsmnStrm: Bye Sry............................
HOST WRTR Dee: night, Sry
JAxler2: You're welcome, Sry.
SteeIBtrfl: if Outlanders is work for hire does that mean they can have someone
ProgChan: ! steel
HOST WRTR Paul: george, sry, good eveing
SteeIBtrfl: else write it after you?
TheWordSlayer: night Sry : )
JAxler2: Definitely. But they'd prefer not to have it happen that way.
SteeIBtrfl: wouldn't that bother you alot???
Yoyogimah: jax - nice to see you again
JAxler2: Steel--After five years, I don't think so. Same here, Yo.
OnlineHost: “Drhotd” has entered the room.
Dcudlbug: Gosh. I got here just in time to see people leaving.
JAxler2: At this point, it would be sheer broth of hell for any writer to try to step into that series.
SteeIBtrfl: yikes - the hour is gone
Cyncity 1: night sry
HOST WRTR Paul: any more questions? All you silent types out there!
OnlineHost: “Sryope2” has left the room.
HOST WRTR Paul: we have ten more minutes
JAxler2: And sheer broth of hell for the editors to find anybody.
SteeIBtrfl: oh okay
HOST WRTR Paul: Donna, go ahead
JAxler2: Case in point--I didn't write the most recent Outlanders novel, Sargasso Plunder. Check out the reviews on Amazon.com.
ProgChan: only a comment for steel...
HOST WRTR Dee: Do you come up with all the ideas, or do the publishers have certain themes they want you to elaborate on?
HOST WRTR Paul: (Broth of hell? No problem for Kane and Grant!)
SteeIBtrfl: ? Prog
OnlineHost: “Drhotd” has left the room.
JAxler2: Dee--No, that's the good thing about them. They pretty much leave all that to me.
HOST WRTR Dee: sounds like a nice deal
ProgChan: (wit til the end Steel... )
JAxler2: As long as it sells, they'll let me do what I want.
ProgChan: (wait)
HOST WRTR Paul: stell, did yoou ahve a question?
SteeIBtrfl: sorry Paul - that was for Prog <smiles>
JAxler2: For the most part, the Gold Eagle people are very old school...they're unaware of current trends in popular culture.
WingedKzintiLord: ?
Yoyogimah: publishers don't think-that is what they pay the writers for
ProgChan: !?
JAxler2: I've often thought that they're still stuck in 1979, when the imprint was formed.
HOST WRTR Paul: (No political correctness I would see!)
JAxler2: However, they have hired some younger people in the marketing department, so perhaps they're a little more on the ball.
OnlineHost: “JimProimos” has entered the room.
HOST WRTR Paul: WKZ, go ahead
WingedKzintiLord: doesn't the lack of ownership bother you when it comes to your work?
OnlineHost: “JimProimos” has left the room.
JAxler2: Yes it does. But frankly, I had no idea the series would last this long.
JAxler2: Gold Eagle launched around a dozen titles between 1990 and 95. None of them lasted more than four books.
JAxler2: I figured OL would be about the same.
JAxler2: So, it was like: "A year worth's of novels...big deal."
JAxler2: I could deal with that.
HOST WRTR Paul: At least you name is right there in print.
WingedKzintiLord: that shows me that you are better than their average writer.
JAxler2: Yeah, on the indicia page. If you know where to look.
OnlineHost: “GeorgeJim” has entered the room.
JAxler2: Wing--Thanks.
JAxler2: (My blushes)
HOST WRTR Paul: Mr A, any final remarks?
JAxler2: Uh...
SteeIBtrfl: lol
HOST WRTR Paul: (not a requirement here)
HOST WRTR Paul: ;-)
Mod Gonne: give us your two favourite words :)
JAxler2: I guess that's about deep as I can be under the circumstances.
GeorgeJim: Many thanks...
JAxler2: Longshoreman and cockamamie.
JsmnStrm: Absolutely... Thanks for coming! :)
HOST WRTR Dee: yes, JAxler...thanks for a good session.
HOST WRTR Paul: Thanks!
JAxler2: Quite welcome. I very much enjoyed it.
TheWordSlayer: Thank you JAxler : )
SteeIBtrfl: Prog - did you have a question for me?
HOST WRTR Dee: Hope you stop by our group...we always enjoy company
HOST WRTR Paul: Here's a real macho-Mag salute
ProgChan: Yes, thank you very much!
JsmnStrm: We enjoyed having you.
WingedKzintiLord: thanks mr a. :)
JES No Time: Very good session
HOST WRTR Paul: with Sin Eaters held high
Mod Gonne: thank you...they only let me out of the attic when we've got guests...
ProgChan: oh, more a comment for you Steel, and a question for our guest...
JAxler2: So go buy them damn books if you really want to thank me. I get royalties, y'know.
JsmnStrm: lololol ash........
HOST WRTR Dee: now it's time for you to go back in the attic, Mod!
JsmnStrm: Well, just tell us how you feel axler.. lol
ProgChan: the questio: re: Old school: Are you saying I have to contact them for my 1950's styled sci-fi? ;-)
OnlineHost: “MBrez” has entered the room.
HOST WRTR Paul: but with a new copy of his books!
Mod Gonne: But...it's dark...
OnlineHost: “MBrez” has left the room.
JsmnStrm: lololololol.... take a candle...... ;)
HOST WRTR Dee: well, I'm taking off...good session tonight. I see GeorgeJim has already submitted his first chapter for our knives
GeorgeJim: Jax...in regard to reading your work...please recommend one with which to start
JAxler2: Prog--Not necessarily. Like I said, they rarely accept anything over the transom.
SteeIBtrfl: lol
WingedKzintiLord: i will certainly check them out.
HOST WRTR Dee: see you all next week...bye-bye
JsmnStrm: ::::sharpening knives for the submision:::::
SteeIBtrfl: bye Donna
OnlineHost: “HOST WRTR Dee” has left the room.
GeorgeJim: Yes...I'm excited
ProgChan: for you steel: I've found that ghost writing, (sound-like another) is actually quite easy, as I've been asked to rework several pieces.
Mod Gonne: transom. That's my favourite word.
HOST WRTR Paul: light enters that way as well
TheWordSlayer: Night Donna : ) sleep well
JAxler2: George--I guess you could start with Armageddon Axis. I think that one is still available to be ordered on Amazon.
GeorgeJim: I am a rare writer....sharp knives needed indeed
SteeIBtrfl: Prog - I have found it very hard
SteeIBtrfl: my style is perhaps too distinct
GeorgeJim: Thanks
Deluge3: How do you do that, Prog? Use their favorite words?
ProgChan: hmm, that's interesting to me...
JAxler2: I don't see many of them in the used book stores. Don't know if that's good or bad.
GeorgeJim: I like it
GeorgeJim: Good, I should think...
ProgChan: means to me that you have a much more clear sense of your "vice" than I have.
Mod Gonne: they're either hoarding them or burning themmm.
ProgChan: vice=voice
HOST WRTR Paul: Well, it made ME buy a new copy!
GeorgeJim: And I haven't seen them at yard sales, either...even better
HOST WRTR Paul: That's rare for me, believe it
JAxler2: Mad--Yeah, I figure it's one or the other.
JsmnStrm: LOLOLOLOL george.
SteeIBtrfl: perhaps - although I tend to think it is more a product of my environment - how I speak
WingedKzintiLord: i would say good, if not in used book stores then they must be bought new.
Mod Gonne: which means more royalties..
ProgChan: good point, good point. it would be interesting to find out the reason.
JAxler2: I've noticed on Amazon that the first couple of years worth are going for around 10 bucks or so per book.
WingedKzintiLord: and a better idea of how many actual readers you have too.
ProgChan: I mean, I've spent many a year writing under's names, so it would be fun.
HOST WRTR Paul: collector's items . . . good!
OnlineHost: “BornToVector” has left the room.
OnlineHost: “Roy Gugat” has left the room.
ProgChan: Hi Roy!
GeorgeJim: Goodnight, All. Thanks again, Mr. "Axler".
ProgChan: yes, thank Mr. Axler....
JAxler2: You're welcome, "George".
GeorgeJim: ;)
SteeIBtrfl: bye JAx***
OnlineHost: “SteeIBtrfl” has left the room.
OnlineHost: “GeorgeJim” has left the room.
JAxler2: Bye, Steel.
OnlineHost: “WingedKzintiLord” has left the room.
OnlineHost: “Coco0609” has left the room.
ProgChan: I may have arrived late, but i enjoye every minute...
JsmnStrm: Nighters all. I'm getting tired.
JAxler2: Thanks.
TheWordSlayer: Night all : ) i should be back in 3 or 4 weeks for good. Thanks JAx for the good information : )
Dcudlbug: nytol
Mod Gonne: I knew that sugar rush couldn't last...
JsmnStrm: bye....................
JsmnStrm: i ain't on sugar.. bad for baby, lands on my hips.. :)
Cyncity 1: night jas...get your rest
JAxler2: No problem, Word.
OnlineHost: “Dcudlbug” has left the room.
Mod Gonne: eh, feh.
OnlineHost: “TheWordSlayer” has left the room.
JsmnStrm: nighters all.... behave, if just a little.
OnlineHost: “JsmnStrm” has left the room.
HOST WRTR Paul: great to have Don back
OnlineHost: “SHoffer77” has left the room.
Yoyogimah: no sugar rush can last; next?
Mod Gonne: I should also be back on critiques now, as I'm writing four others a week now
Cyncity 1: night everyone...good session...
OnlineHost: “Cyncity 1” has left the room.
JAxler2: Good night, all.
HOST WRTR Paul: I ate dinner early, so less temptation to dash away
HOST WRTR Paul: Thanks, and good night
Yoyogimah: night jax - thanks
OnlineHost: “JAxler2” has left the room.
Mod Gonne: I still have bioethics and Irish history papers to write...
Mod Gonne: and more costumes...
JES No Time: It's been fun and it's time to say good night.
Mod Gonne: I need more hours in a day. Or amphetamines.
Deluge3: By the time you get finished writing about history, Mod, they change it.
JES No Time: Know just how you feel Mod.
Mod Gonne: Tell me about it, Del...
OnlineHost: “JES No Time” has left the room.
Mod Gonne: especially Israeli and Irish History (my specialties)

10/1/01 8:10:29 PM Closing "Chat Log 10/1/01"

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