Contact was conceived by Jim Funaro in 1979, and the first formal conference was held in 1983. Many more events have followed, also various offshoots. This is a semiofficial archive, intended to display photos, schedules, and other material from each of these events, plus relevant web links.
Contact is listed in Wikipedia.
Jim Funaro's personal account:
Here's the official poster from Contact II, held in Santa Cruz in May of 1984.
These are scans of the program from Contact II. The GIFs include the original advertisments and everything.
Program schedule from Contact III, held in San Jose, California.
Scans of the program handout from Contact IV, held in Rancho Cordova, CA.
Program handout from Contact V, in Rancho Cordova.
Program schedule from Contact VI, held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Program schedule from Contact VII, held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Program schedule from Contact VIII, held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Contact IX, held in Palo Alto, CA.
Here are John Bray's SimSETI project records, also from Contact IX.
Contact X, in 1993, held in Santa Clara, CA.
Contact XI, in 1994, also in Santa Clara.
Contact XII, in 1995, held in Milpitas, Ca.
Contact XIII, in 1996, also in Milpitas, Ca.
Scans from Contact XIV, in 1997, held in Sunnyvale, Ca.
Program handout from Contact XV, back in in Santa Clara .
Program schedule from Contact XVI, held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Here are Bruce Damer's photos from Contact XVII, held in 2000.
Here's a very special photo from Contact XVIII, held in 2001.
This is the basic program data from several conferences. There are no 'original' web pages going back to 1992, for obvious reasons. Many of these documents were first posted on the Cabrillo College server in 1998.
Contact 92 | Contact 93 | Contact 94 |
Contact 95 | Contact 96 | Contact 97 |
Contact 98 | Contact 99 |
Contributions of personal photographs and mementos are welcome. Obviously, they need
to be scanned or otherwise in web-presentable form. (If needed, I can handle that
part.) Paul Carlson may be reached via, cuebon /at/ aol
/dot/ com and please make your subject line distinct.