2014 Page

Contact 2014 Pictures & Links

The SETI Institute, and the Domain Hotel

Preparations Registration Audience Introductions Repairs McCann Nordley
SETI Lunch Taylor Boston Morrison SETI Break Damer Ford
Clancey SETI Tour Damer 2 SETI Closing Domain Opening Lecture Hall Vendors
Art Room Pass Funaro Domain Break Shostak Kramer Critters
Toerpe MacEwen Lapre Buchman Reception Banquet Magazine
Keynote Hotel Porter Hospitality Jenniskens COTI Panel COTI Reports
COTI Team 1 COTI Team 2 Encounter *** *** Boruki ***

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These photo pages are formatted to view better in a smallish browser window.
To save bandwidth, these are medium-sized images. Full-size images are available upon request.

Note! Due to insufficient photo record-keeping, Kathleen Toerpe's second presentation, and Jim Pass's space science education panel, are not presented in their own labelled sections. My apologies.

(Additions are welcome!)
Related web links, if available, are below each image.

Photography by Paul Carlson

Please email me with any photos, conference material, or corrections:

cuebon /at/ aol \dot\ com

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