2006 Page

Contact 2006 Pictures & Links

NASA Ames Conference Center

Rain Audience Welcome Scott Doyle Fraknoi Nordley
Denning Zuckerman Klingler Lunch Teams Art Sonic
Shostak Vakoch Aaberg KSR Ivins Vendors Battles
Merrill Lapre Sims Hagen Damer Lunch Chats
Panel Sequin Clearwater Oliver Tamori Reports Party
Keynote Telescope Outside Pass Miller Frederick Encounter
Interaction Conclusion Reports Details Packing * *

Related web links, if available, are below each image.

Using IS0 200 film produced much sharper images, this year. Sorry, but I glitched the photo of Doug Raybeck's talk. (Gus Frederick has one.)

Photography by Paul Carlson

Please email me with any additions or corrections:

cuebon /at/ gmail \dot\com

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