Contact 2004
The 21st annual Contact conference was held in March 2004 at NASA Ames, in northern California's Silicon Valley. About 150 people participated, with many excellent speakers, the university level SOLSYS project, the virtual Contact Consortium and, of course, the High School level COTI HI first-contact encounter.
Here's a link to the official Contact home page.
Here are biographies, and links to the home pages, of many participants.
Here is Bruce Damer's report on the conference, and also his virtual Mars rover project. He has posted several pages of thumbnailed images.
The Mars Society was well represented. Here's their page about the (then upcoming) conference.
Here are some of my photos of the conference.
(I apologize to any speakers or exhibitors I've omitted, and welcome any contributions.)
Here's a news report on the 2003 conference, which unfortunately I missed.